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Vitiligo is an acquired depigmenting disorder of the skin, in which pigment cells (melanocytes) are lost. It presents with well-defined milky-white patches of skin. Vitiligo can be cosmetically very disabling, particularly in people with dark skin.
Vitiligo affects people of all skin types, but it may be more noticeable in people with darker skin. The condition is not life-threatening or contagious. It can be stressful or make you feel bad about yourself.
latest treatment for vitiligo, i.e, Narrow band ultraviolet therapy (NBUVB) is also available with us. It is given in multiple sessions along with oral and topical medications. This therapy is US-F.D.A approved and considered a revolution in the management of vitiligo.
For chronic and resistant cases, vitiligo surgery (Punch grafting) is available which shows promising results.